September 29, 2022This is the power of gathering: it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopefulMarch 22, 2022To people that want to start but are affraid to get started a solo act. it's a huge collaborationNovember 2, 2022Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of manJune 9, 2022When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong inDecember 19, 2022I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for all of usDecember 5, 2022The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endureMarch 29, 2022We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than bothDecember 29, 2022Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwardsNovember 24, 2022What you should have asked your teachers about this universe; we are in this universeSeptember 6, 2022Life doesn't make any sense without interdependence. we need each other