
Thank you for choosing MERIMAG theme. We have worked hard to make this theme powerful and easy to use, we will continue to support it and adding new features to it for our clients

General information

WordPress Information

To use this theme you must have WordPress engine installed. We assume you have a working version of WordPress already up and running. If not, you can check this great tutorial guiding you through the process of WordPress installation.

How to install WordPress - A tutorial on how to install WordPress on your hosted domain.

We also encourage you to actively use the links below. These useful resources cover most of general WordPress questions you may have:

Theme requirments

To use this theme you must be running WordPress 4.0 or higher, PHP7.3 or higher. If you use hosting with limited resources (like the lowcost shared hosting providers), you may experience issues with one-click dummy data installation feature.

We recommend you to contact your web hosting service provider to make sure that your server PHP configuration limits are as follows:

If you are running unmanaged dedicated server or VPS, you should check your php.ini file. Alternatively, you can edit .htaccess file in the root of your website and add the following values:

    php_value max_execution_time 600
			    php_value memory_limit 256M
			    php_value post_max_size 32M
			    php_value upload_max_filesize 32M

Setting these values will ensure you will not get error messages during the installation. To safeguard your website, please use secure passwords and the latest version of WordPress and plugins.

IMPORTANT! To avoid any errors that might come up during the installation we recommend to have memory limit set up to 512M.

Common issue ( Missing stylesheet )

A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does not mean that the theme you have purchased is broken, it simply means it has been uploaded incorrectly.

Get started

Install theme

Installing From the WordPress Dashboard

Uploading via FTP

Install plugins

MERIMAG Theme requires some plugins and recommand also some plugins, to make sure you will profit of all the fonctionnalities of the theme you have to install all recommanded and required plugins.

To do this you have to go to your wordpress Dashboard -> MERIMAG theme -> Install plugins

Select all plugins on the list or at least the required ones and on the bulk actions select box on the top left of the plugins list table select 'Install', and then click the button beside it 'Apply', or you can install one by one.

Install demos

If you want a quick start you can install demos content, by going to your wordpress Dashboard -> MERIMAG theme -> Install demos

Install demos requires 'Import demos' plugin to be installed and activated, and also you have to install all required plugins before starting this action.

Please note: When have already installed a demo and you want to install a new one the old demo content and data will be removed, please make sure you have a backup before doing this.

Select witch part of the demo you want to install

Theme navigations

To create Navigation menus please follow this steps

  1. Navigate to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus
  2. Create new menu
  3. Add menu elements from the left of the page, you can add pages, posts, categories or custom links
  4. After adding all elements, select menu where you want to display the menu
  5. Save the settings by clicking on save menu button on the bottom right of the page

Mega menus

To create mega menus please follow this steps

  1. Navigate to Dashboard -> Unyson
  2. In the list of available extensions download Mega Menu extension
  3. Navigate to Appearance -> Menus -> Select the menu that you want to make it display mega menus
  4. Add items to the menu like described above and open the menu item that you want to make it display mega menu
  5. Check the case "Use as mega menu" and click the settings button that will display after you check the case
  6. In the option mega menu content by default it displays children elements in columns layout you can choose the number of columns, and you can choose category grid to display posts if the selected item is a posts category

Home page

Create home page

  1. To create your home page go to wordpress Dashboard -> Pages -> Add new
  2. In page edit screen go to page attributes and find template box and select 'Builder template' as template.
  3. After saving page template click on the button on the top "Edit with elementor", if the button don't appear make sure you have installed and activated elementor plugin.
  4. In the elementor plugin edit screen you can start adding widgets, MERIMAG widgets are separed in a section in the widgets list called MERIMAG.
  5. Drag and drop the widgets to the page and start creating an awesome home page using our beautifully designed widgets
  6. Bellow you will find a brief description of all unique widgets that you can use in your pages, and we let you discover the possibilities.

Available widgets

About site

Show your besiness or personal infos with social icons in multiple layouts


Show alert messages with icons and color selection


Show call to action with multiple layouts


Show button with multiple styles

Multi buttons

Show multi buttons side by side with multiple styles


Show divider with multiple styles


Show dropcap with multiple styles


Empty spacing to separe content


Add headings to your design

Special Heading

Add special headings to your design over 15 styles

Menu items

Add custom menu to your design

Custom content list

Add custom list with icons to your design


Add custom tabs to your design


Add custom accordion to your design


Add icons in multiple styles

Icon box

Custom text and icon to highlight your content


Search box can be added to your pages

Team member

Add team member to your design


Wordpress author infos and social networks

Authors list

Wordpress authors infos and social networks

Slider Gallery

Nice image gallery with multiple options

Tiles Gallery

Nice tiles image gallery with multiple options

Grid Gallery

Nice tiles masonry image gallery with multiple options

Carousel Gallery

Nice carousel image gallery with multiple options

Mailchimp form

Add mailchimp form you your pages


Embed content from multiple sources, see <a href="">This article</a> for more infos


Add responsive self hosted video or external video from youtube, vimeo and more


Simple image

News ticker

Show posts news ticker that scroll beautifully

Posts mix

Show your posts in more than 20 layouts mixed

Posts carousel

Show your posts in carousel with easy configuration

Posts grid

Show your posts in grid style with multiple ways and a lot of options

Simple posts grid

Show your posts in grid style with multiple ways and minimum options

Posts list

Show your posts in list style with multiple ways and a lot of options

Simple posts list

Show your posts in list style with multiple ways and minimum options

Posts slider with thumbs

Show your posts in a slider with thumbnails, 5 styles available

Posts slider

Show your posts in a slider with a lot of options

Products carousel

Show your posts in a carousel with a lot of options

Products grid

Show your products in a grid with a lot of options

Products list

List your products with a lot of options

Tabbed widget

Show recent posts, popular posts and latest comments in tabs

Popular categories

Show popular categories


Add beautiful quotations to your design, more than 11 styles

Product eview

Add product reviews to your design

Social icons

Add social icons to your design with a lot of options

Categories carousel

Add your categories with image and posts count in carousel

Categories grid

Add your categories with image and posts count in grid

Product categories carousel

Add your product categories with image and products count in carousel

Product categories grid

Add your product categories with image and products count in grid

Video playlist

Add video playlist to your design, support youtube, vimeo and custom uploads

Contact infos

Add contact infos to your design

Image box

Add attractive image with text in different styles

Recent comments

Recent comments list

Wordpress menu

Add Wordpress native menu

Grid system

MERIMAG Grid system is a powerful tools that make life easier for creating posts and products grids with unlimited custom designs, bellow you will find a tutoriel on how to use this system.

In Elementor, page builder you will find a list of elements that use this system, like Posts grid, Products Grid, Posts list, Products List, Posts Carousel, Products Carousel and Posts Mix.

Here is the complete list of options for this grid system, you will find all of this options in some elements, and less options in others depends on elements needs.

General options

Number of columns

Number of columns can be 2, 3, 4 or 5 columns

Block Style

Change the look of items, there is more than 5 styles

Image aspect ratio

For a responsive images height use this option to keep images ratio in all screens

Image height

For fixed height image add a desired height of image to this box

Image dimensions

For best appearance select the desired image size to keep the images appear in the best resolution

Title size

Control the post/product title size

Title typography

Control the post/product title size and appearance

Show description

Show the post/product description

Border separator

Show separator between elements

Bordered block

Make elements with a border for a different looking

Show order number

Show order number nicely

Show read more

Show read more button bellow the elements

Show category

Show post category

Show post format icon

Show format icon for video posts

Show review score

Show review score nicely for reviews posts

Review display style

Select the display style for review scores

Meta infos

Control meta infos to display like date - author - comments ...


Control the spacing between the elements

Masonry layout?

Display elements in masonry layout easily just by checking this box, and also you have to set a fixed image height to be the minimum image heights for masonry layout

Title length

Title number of characters

Title lines

Title maximum number of lines

Desciption length

Desciption number of characters

Desciption lines

Desciption maximum number of lines


Select Pagination type

Colorful image layer

Add colorful layour above elements images to add a nice looking elements

Query and filters

Filter Title

Main filter title recomanded if you have added filters

Filter icon

Main filter icon recomanded if you have added filters with icons

Order by

Select how you want to order items


Ascending or descending order can be selected from here


Select specific posts or products


Exlude specific posts or products


Number of items to load


Select only items from a defined period

Only review posts

Select only posts that have review

Post format

Select only posts with a specific post format


Select posts from a specific taxonomy

Exclude Category

Select posts from a specific taxonomy


Select posts from a specific taxonomy

Exclude Tag

Select posts from a specific taxonomy

Number of posts

Select number of posts

Load on mouse over

If you have filters select yes if you want to load items on mouse over or no for click

Filters style

Select how you want to show filters

Add AJAX filter

Add ajax filters here and select different queries for each filter

Query and filters ( For products blocks )

Filter Title

Main filter title recomanded if you have added filters

Filter icon

Main filter icon recomanded if you have added filters with icons

Order by

Select how you want to order items


Ascending or descending order can be selected from here


Select specific posts or products


Exlude specific posts or products


Number of items to load


Select only items from a defined period

On sale products

Select only on sale products

Product type

Select posts from a specific taxonomy

Product visibility

Select posts from a specific taxonomy


Select posts from a specific taxonomy


Select posts from a specific taxonomy

Taxu de nicotine

Select posts from a specific taxonomy

Number of posts

Select number of posts

Load on mouse over

If you have filters select yes if you want to load items on mouse over or no for click

Filters style

Select how you want to show filters

Add AJAX filter

Add ajax filters here and select different queries for each filter


Ignore general style

Select yes you want to not use the general style applied from customizer

Block heading style

Choose custom block title style

Block principal color

Primary color that will be used in styling elements


Background color

Gradient background

Background gradient

Image background

Background image

Background position

Background position

Background repeat

Background repeat

Background attachment

Background attachment

Background size

Background size


Block padding


Block margin

Border width

Border width

Border color

Border color

Border style

Border style

Text color

Text color

Links color

Links color

Links hover color

Links hover color

Borders color

Borderds color

Buttons color

Buttons color

Sliding options

Auto play

Auto play speed ( ms )

Show dots

Show arrows ( on hover )

Infinite loop

Animation speed ( ms )

Carousel sliding options

Visible slides

Sliding slides

Auto play

Auto play speed ( ms )

Show dots

Show arrows ( on hover )

Infinite loop

Animation speed ( ms )

Animating options


Animation speed


MERIMAG comes with a lot of shortcodes that you can use in wordpress normal editor and also compatible with Gutenberg editor via the classic editor block, the awesome thing about MERIMAG is that you can edit them easily like you do in a page builder.


  1. Navigate to Dashboard -> Unyson
  2. In the list of available extensions download "WordPress Shortcodes" extension
  3. In the wordpress editor find this button
  4. For the Gutenberg editor you can add Classic Editor block to add MERIMAG shortcodes
  5. The list of shortcodes will appear
  6. Click on the shortcode that you want to add on your post / page and cofigure the options as you like
  7. The shortcode will be added to the editor content, click on it if you want to edit options

Theme settings

You can customize theme via theme settings panel, you can customize everything as you like, you will find a lot of options, below you can find the list of all things that you can customize.

You can access to the theme settings panel via worpdress dashboard -> appearance -> theme settings.


General settings


Container layout

Container layout can be wide or boxed

Content width ( px )

Set max content width in px

Loading animation

Choose from 12 loading animations, it appears on ajax tabs loading or ajax pagination

Block heading style

Choose from over 14 block title styles

Enable breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs appears above page title in all posts, pages, archives, activate it may help in seo and also can optimize user experience in your site

Sticky sidebar

Activate sticky sidebar can improve user experience and improve sidebar ads visibilty

Sticky header

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Sticky header on mobile

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Enable cache

Activate cache for high site performance, this is a theme part cache option to cache all queries and css parse

Show author meta

Show or hide post authors

Show multiple categrories on posts preview

Show multiple categrories on posts preview


You can set the main logo for your site, there is also options to set different logos for sticky header, mobile header and google amp logo

Site logo

The main logo

Site logo maximum height

The main logo maximum height

Sticky header logo

The sticky header logo

Sticky header logo height

The sticky header logo maximum height

Mobile header logo

The mobile header logo

Mobile header logo maximum height

The mobile header logo maximum height

AMP logo

The mobile amp header logo

AMP logo maximum height

The mobile amp header logo maximum height


Header style

Choose from 10 header styles, beautifuly designed for all site purposes

Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Header contact infos

Activate header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Header search

Activate header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Header cart icon

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Header account link

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Header social links

Show your social links in the header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Header stacked icons

Show header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header

Sticky Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Sticky Header contact infos

Activate sticky header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Sticky Header search

Activate sticky header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Sticky Header cart icon

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Sticky Header account link

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Sticky social links

Show your social links in the sticky header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Sticky Header stacked icons

Show sticky header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header logo

Active this option to show the logo in the sticky header, if you choose no only menu and other elements that you have activated will show

Main menu

Enable main menu

You can disable main menu

Main menu search

Show search form or icon in the main menu bar

Main menu contact infos

Show your contact infos in the main menu bar, you can set your contact infos in the contact infos section

Main menu cart icon

Show woocommerce cart icon in the main menu bar

Main menu account link

Show account link in the main menu bar

Main social links

Show social icons in the main menu bar, you can set social profiles in social links section

Main menu stacked icons

Stacked icons is a nice way to show search, cart and account icons in the main menu bar

Main menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a main menu item

Top menu

Enable top menu

Show to menu

Show date

Show today's date, a nice thing if your site is news site

Show social icons

By default social links will show at the end of the top menu, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Top menu text

You can display custom text in the top menu bar, maybe useful for you

Top menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a top menu item

Show top menu on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu in mobile screens

Show date on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu date in mobile screens

Show social icons on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu social icons in mobile screens

Show custom text on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu text in mobile screens

Mobile header

Mobile Header search

Show search icon or from in mobile header

Mobile Header cart icon

Show cart icon in mobile header

Mobile Header account link

Show account link in mobile header

Mobile Header stacked icons

Show mobile header icons in another nice style

Mobile header center logo

Center logo in mobile header

Mobile menu panel

Show social icons

Show social icons in mobile menu panel, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Show Logo

Show logo in mobile menu panel, you can set a custom logo for this area, in the section General -> Logo -> Mobile logo

Show search form

Show search form at the bottom of the mobile menu panel


Enable footer menu

Enable footer menu will show a menu that you have created in wordpress menus editor at the bottom of the footer beside copyrights, you can edit menus via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus

Enable footer widgets area

Enable this area at the top of the footer, you can customize this area by adding any available widget, you can add widgets via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets

Enable footer about

Footer about is a section that show your logo or a custom logo with a text and your social links, you can customize it in the Footer about section

Enable footer trending tags

Show the popular tags in the footer may have a nice look and improve site seo, you can find more options for this area in the Footer tags section


Enable lazy image loading

Enable this options may improve page loading

Fake post views

Enable this to display fake post views...

Views Hot badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a hot badge

Views Popular badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a popular badge

Views Trending badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a trending badge

Theme color hot

Define custom color for theme hot badge

Theme color popular

Define custom color for theme popular badge

Theme color trending

Define custom color for theme trending badge

Theme color new

Define custom color for theme new badge

Theme color warning

Define custom color for theme warning badge

Theme color error

Define custom color for theme error badge

Theme color info

Define custom color for theme info badge

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for search icon

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for cart icon

Header account icon color

Define custom color for account icon


Can be left sidebar, right sidebar or no sidebar

Default layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Page layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Article layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Index layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Category layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Tag layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Search layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Archives layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Taxonomy layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Shop archive layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Woocommerce pages layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right

Product layout

Every page can have a custom layout

Select layout

Layout can be with or without sidebar, in left or right


More than 30 grid style to choose from, custom grid style for every page like category archives, tag archives, search archives...

Default listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Index listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Category listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Tag listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Search listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Archives listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Taxonomy listing

Choose from over 30 grid styles, every page can have it's own style

Grid style

Shop listing

Social networks

Display your social networks in your site, it shows up in top menu, it will also display in footer about section, also can be displayed in the social networks element that you can add in elementor pages

Add networks

Contact infos

Add your site contact infos, you can display them by adding contact infos widget in a sidebar or in an elementor column

Footer about

A nice section in footer that display the site a logo a brief description and your social networks, it has two layouts inline or centered

Footer about can have two styles, select the one you find nice for your site

Choose a custom logo for this area, very helpful because by default footer have a dark background so the default logo may not appear nice here

Write something about your site or activity

The theme comes with a nice social icons settings, you can choose your style

Footer tags

A nice section in footer that display the site trending tags

Choose the footer tags layout that find nice for your site

Set a title for this section, by default it's #trending

Set a maximum number of tags that will show up here

Footer copyrights

Add your copyrights text here

The copyrights bar is the copyrights text of your site and the footer menu, you can choose inline layout or centered layout

Set copyrights text in this field

News ticker

News ticker options that can be displayed before header, after header or in top menu

The news ticker is a nice option for news sites, it can show up before header, after header, inside top menu or you can hide it if you want

You can configure ticker posts and icon

Post settings

Discover nice things in your posts, more than 13 templates, with special featured like author box, related posts, inline related posts, read also, next / prev, and more...

General settings

Select template

Choose from over 12 nicely designed templates that change the look of the article pages

Enable author box

Highlight post authors by enabling this box, it display the author infos and social profiles in a nice way

Enable table of contents

Table of contents can improve seo and user experience, especialy for very long articles

Disable comments

Check yes if you want to disable comments on your website

Enable next / prev

Improve seo and user experience by showing links for the next and previous post, it may also improve the time that users stay in your site

Enable mailchimp form

Enable subscribe form in the article pages, help increase your subscribers

Related posts

Related posts

Related posts suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Hide more from author

Check yes if you want to hide posts suggestions from the author

Inline related posts

Inline related posts before paragraph

Inline related posts suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Inline related posts settings

Related posts suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Read also box

Read also

Read also suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Share buttons

Show before content

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show before article content

Show after content

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show after article content

Show on meta line

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show beside the post date and author


Install ads for wp plugin create group ads and a list of places will show up after that you can select group ad that you have create it and assign it to a place in theme

Builder sections ( Experimental )

Theme have a custom areas that you can put custom things, create pages with elementor and display it in your choosen area, before header or after header, before footer and more

Styling and typography

You can customize theme colors, backgrounds and typography via wordpress native live customizer, below you can find the list of all things that you can customize.

You can access to the customizer via worpdress dashboard -> appearance -> customize.


Customize typography of every text in your site, choose form 500 google fonts, customize size, weight, and everything

Load fonts

Load fonts for use in css

Add google fonts that you want to load, this option is very helpful if you want to use them in a custom css

Local host fonts

Enable this option may help you improve page loading by hosting google fonts in your server

Base typography

Base typography

Base Typography
Headings Typography
Buttons and Inputs Typography

Heading typography

Heading typography

Title and H1 Typography
H2 Typography
H3 Typography
H4 Typography
H5 Typography
H6 Typography

Navigation typography

Navigation typography

Main Navigation Typography
Top Navigation Typography
Mobile Sidebar Navigation Typography
Footer Navigation Typography

Branding and logo typography

Branding and logo typography

Site Title Typography
Site Description Typography

Content typography

Content typography

Content Typography
Title and H1 Typography
H2 Typography
H3 Typography
H4 Typography
H5 Typography
H6 Typography

Sidebar typography

Sidebar typography

Headings Typography
Content Typography

Footer typography

Footer typography

Headings Typography
Content Typography


Customize every section in your site, header, footer, content, widgets, menus and every thing else easily

General styling

Set principal color, theme skin and other general colors

Principal color

Site principal color for styling elements


Choose from over 14 skins if you don't want to change a lot of things in options


Customize the background, text color, links color... of Body

Body Background color
Body Background color
Body Background gradient
Body Background image
Body Background position
Body Background repeat
Body Background attachment
Body Background size
Body Text color
Body Links color
Body Links hover color
Body Buttons color
Body Borders color

Site container

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Site container

Site container Background color
Site container Background color
Site container Background gradient
Site container Background image
Site container Background position
Site container Background repeat
Site container Background attachment
Site container Background size
Site container Text color
Site container Links color
Site container Links hover color
Site container Buttons color
Site container Borders color

Content container

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Content container

Content container Background color
Content container Background color
Content container Background gradient
Content container Background image
Content container Background position
Content container Background repeat
Content container Background attachment
Content container Background size
Content container Text color
Content container Links color
Content container Links hover color
Content container Buttons color
Content container Borders color

Article content

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Article content

Article content Background color
Article content Background color
Article content Background gradient
Article content Background image
Article content Background position
Article content Background repeat
Article content Background attachment
Article content Background size
Article content Text color
Article content Links color
Article content Links hover color
Article content Buttons color
Article content Borders color

Top menu

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Top menu

Top menu Background color
Top menu Background color
Top menu Background gradient
Top menu Background image
Top menu Background position
Top menu Background repeat
Top menu Background attachment
Top menu Background size
Top menu Text color
Top menu Links color
Top menu Links hover color
Top menu Buttons color
Top menu Borders color

Top menu sub menus

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Top menu sub menus

Top menu sub menus Background color
Top menu sub menus Background color
Top menu sub menus Background gradient
Top menu sub menus Background image
Top menu sub menus Background position
Top menu sub menus Background repeat
Top menu sub menus Background attachment
Top menu sub menus Background size
Top menu sub menus Text color
Top menu sub menus Links color
Top menu sub menus Links hover color
Top menu sub menus Buttons color
Top menu sub menus Borders color


Customize the background, text color, links color... of Header

Header Background color
Header Background color
Header Background gradient
Header Background image
Header Background position
Header Background repeat
Header Background attachment
Header Background size
Header Text color
Header Links color
Header Links hover color
Header Buttons color
Header Borders color

Header content

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Header content

Header content Background color
Header content Background color
Header content Background gradient
Header content Background image
Header content Background position
Header content Background repeat
Header content Background attachment
Header content Background size
Header content Text color
Header content Links color
Header content Links hover color
Header content Buttons color
Header content Borders color

Main menu

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Main menu

Main menu Background color
Main menu Background color
Main menu Background gradient
Main menu Background image
Main menu Background position
Main menu Background repeat
Main menu Background attachment
Main menu Background size
Main menu Text color
Main menu Links color
Main menu Links hover color
Main menu Buttons color
Main menu Borders color

Main menu sub menus

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Main menu sub menus

Main menu sub menus Background color
Main menu sub menus Background color
Main menu sub menus Background gradient
Main menu sub menus Background image
Main menu sub menus Background position
Main menu sub menus Background repeat
Main menu sub menus Background attachment
Main menu sub menus Background size
Main menu sub menus Text color
Main menu sub menus Links color
Main menu sub menus Links hover color
Main menu sub menus Buttons color
Main menu sub menus Borders color

Sticky header

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Sticky header

Sticky header Background color
Sticky header Background color
Sticky header Background gradient
Sticky header Background image
Sticky header Background position
Sticky header Background repeat
Sticky header Background attachment
Sticky header Background size
Sticky header Text color
Sticky header Links color
Sticky header Links hover color
Sticky header Buttons color
Sticky header Borders color

Sticky header sub menus

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Sticky header sub menus

Sticky header sub menus Background color
Sticky header sub menus Background color
Sticky header sub menus Background gradient
Sticky header sub menus Background image
Sticky header sub menus Background position
Sticky header sub menus Background repeat
Sticky header sub menus Background attachment
Sticky header sub menus Background size
Sticky header sub menus Text color
Sticky header sub menus Links color
Sticky header sub menus Links hover color
Sticky header sub menus Buttons color
Sticky header sub menus Borders color

Mobile header

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Mobile header

Mobile header Background color
Mobile header Background color
Mobile header Background gradient
Mobile header Background image
Mobile header Background position
Mobile header Background repeat
Mobile header Background attachment
Mobile header Background size
Mobile header Text color
Mobile header Links color
Mobile header Links hover color
Mobile header Buttons color
Mobile header Borders color

News ticker

Customize the background, text color, links color... of News ticker

News ticker Background color
News ticker Background color
News ticker Background gradient
News ticker Background image
News ticker Background position
News ticker Background repeat
News ticker Background attachment
News ticker Background size
News ticker Text color
News ticker Links color
News ticker Links hover color
News ticker Buttons color
News ticker Borders color

Footer Tags

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Footer Tags

Footer Tags Background color
Footer Tags Background color
Footer Tags Background gradient
Footer Tags Background image
Footer Tags Background position
Footer Tags Background repeat
Footer Tags Background attachment
Footer Tags Background size
Footer Tags Text color
Footer Tags Links color
Footer Tags Links hover color
Footer Tags Buttons color
Footer Tags Borders color

Footer about

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Footer about

Footer about Background color
Footer about Background color
Footer about Background gradient
Footer about Background image
Footer about Background position
Footer about Background repeat
Footer about Background attachment
Footer about Background size
Footer about Text color
Footer about Links color
Footer about Links hover color
Footer about Buttons color
Footer about Borders color


Customize the background, text color, links color... of Footer

Footer Background color
Footer Background color
Footer Background gradient
Footer Background image
Footer Background position
Footer Background repeat
Footer Background attachment
Footer Background size
Footer Text color
Footer Links color
Footer Links hover color
Footer Buttons color
Footer Borders color

Footer infos

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Footer infos

Footer infos Background color
Footer infos Background color
Footer infos Background gradient
Footer infos Background image
Footer infos Background position
Footer infos Background repeat
Footer infos Background attachment
Footer infos Background size
Footer infos Text color
Footer infos Links color
Footer infos Links hover color
Footer infos Buttons color
Footer infos Borders color

Mobile menu panel

Customize the background, text color, links color... of Mobile menu panel

Mobile menu panel Background color
Mobile menu panel Background color
Mobile menu panel Background gradient
Mobile menu panel Background image
Mobile menu panel Background position
Mobile menu panel Background repeat
Mobile menu panel Background attachment
Mobile menu panel Background size
Mobile menu panel Text color
Mobile menu panel Links color
Mobile menu panel Links hover color
Mobile menu panel Buttons color
Mobile menu panel Borders color

Elementor Block style

Customize the background, text color, links color... of blocks that you add in elementor page builder

Block heading style
Block principal color
Gradient background
Image background
Background position
Background repeat
Background attachment
Background size
Border width
Border color
Border style
Text color
Links color
Links hover color
Borders color
Buttons color

Widget style

Customize the background, text color, links color... of widgets

Block heading style
Block principal color
Gradient background
Image background
Background position
Background repeat
Background attachment
Background size
Border width
Border color
Border style
Text color
Links color
Links hover color
Borders color
Buttons color

Footer widget style

Customize the background, text color, links color... of footer widgets

Block heading style
Block principal color
Gradient background
Image background
Background position
Background repeat
Background attachment
Background size
Border width
Border color
Border style
Text color
Links color
Links hover color
Borders color
Buttons color

Content area style

Customize the background, text color, links color... of content area that contains things like recent posts list and post content

Block heading style
Block principal color
Gradient background
Image background
Background position
Background repeat
Background attachment
Background size
Border width
Border color
Border style
Text color
Links color
Links hover color
Borders color
Buttons color

Sidebar area style

Customize the background, text color, links color... of sidebar area that contains widgets

Block heading style
Block principal color
Gradient background
Image background
Background position
Background repeat
Background attachment
Background size
Border width
Border color
Border style
Text color
Links color
Links hover color
Borders color
Buttons color

Post options

Every post can have his own skin, layout, logo, ... you can make every post unique with the theme


Add subtitle to your post

Featured image copyrights

Featured Video

Upload custom video and make it featured video

Put external video url from any video plateform and it will show up as a featured video

Featured Audio

Put external audio url from any audio plateform and it will show up as a featured audio

Upload custom audio and make it featured audio, the audio player will show nicely above the featured image that you have selected

Featured Gallery

Select images to make a featured gallery

There is nice gallery styles that you can choose from, test them all!

Theme settings


Select layout

Post can have a sidebar on left or right, or no sidebar

Select template

Choose from over 12 nicely designed templates that change the look of the article pages

Enable table of contents

Table of contents can improve seo and user experience, especialy for very long articles

Enable author box

Highlight post authors by enabling this box, it display the author infos and social profiles in a nice way

Enable next / prev

Improve seo and user experience by showing links for the next and previous post, it may also improve the time that users stay in your site

Enable subscribe form

Enable subscribe form in the article pages, help increase your subscribers

Enable related posts

Related posts suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Inline related posts before paragraph

Inline related posts suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Set specific inline related posts

You can set specific inline related posts for each article

Enable read also

Read also suggest more articles to your visitors, it will improve the time that users pass in your site

Enable share buttons before content

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show before article content

Enable share buttons after content

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show after article content

Enable share buttons on meta line

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show beside the post date and author


Produt reviews is nice feature that help create full produt reviews fast and easy


Container layout

Container layout can be wide or boxed

Content width ( px )

Set max content width in px

Loading animation

Choose from 12 loading animations, it appears on ajax tabs loading or ajax pagination

Block heading style

Choose from over 14 block title styles

Enable breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs appears above page title in all posts, pages, archives, activate it may help in seo and also can optimize user experience in your site

Sticky sidebar

Activate sticky sidebar can improve user experience and improve sidebar ads visibilty

Sticky header

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Sticky header on mobile

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Enable cache

Activate cache for high site performance, this is a theme part cache option to cache all queries and css parse

Show author meta

Show or hide post authors

Show multiple categrories on posts preview

Show multiple categrories on posts preview


You can set the main logo for your site, there is also options to set different logos for sticky header, mobile header and google amp logo

Site logo

The main logo

Site logo maximum height

The main logo maximum height

Sticky header logo

The sticky header logo

Sticky header logo height

The sticky header logo maximum height

Mobile header logo

The mobile header logo

Mobile header logo maximum height

The mobile header logo maximum height

AMP logo

The mobile amp header logo

AMP logo maximum height

The mobile amp header logo maximum height


Header style

Choose from 10 header styles, beautifuly designed for all site purposes

Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Header contact infos

Activate header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Header search

Activate header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Header cart icon

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Header account link

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Header social links

Show your social links in the header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Header stacked icons

Show header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header

Sticky Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Sticky Header contact infos

Activate sticky header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Sticky Header search

Activate sticky header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Sticky Header cart icon

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Sticky Header account link

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Sticky social links

Show your social links in the sticky header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Sticky Header stacked icons

Show sticky header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header logo

Active this option to show the logo in the sticky header, if you choose no only menu and other elements that you have activated will show

Main menu

Enable main menu

You can disable main menu

Main menu search

Show search form or icon in the main menu bar

Main menu contact infos

Show your contact infos in the main menu bar, you can set your contact infos in the contact infos section

Main menu cart icon

Show woocommerce cart icon in the main menu bar

Main menu account link

Show account link in the main menu bar

Main social links

Show social icons in the main menu bar, you can set social profiles in social links section

Main menu stacked icons

Stacked icons is a nice way to show search, cart and account icons in the main menu bar

Main menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a main menu item

Top menu

Enable top menu

Show to menu

Show date

Show today's date, a nice thing if your site is news site

Show social icons

By default social links will show at the end of the top menu, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Top menu text

You can display custom text in the top menu bar, maybe useful for you

Top menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a top menu item

Show top menu on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu in mobile screens

Show date on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu date in mobile screens

Show social icons on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu social icons in mobile screens

Show custom text on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu text in mobile screens

Mobile header

Mobile Header search

Show search icon or from in mobile header

Mobile Header cart icon

Show cart icon in mobile header

Mobile Header account link

Show account link in mobile header

Mobile Header stacked icons

Show mobile header icons in another nice style

Mobile header center logo

Center logo in mobile header

Mobile menu panel

Show social icons

Show social icons in mobile menu panel, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Show Logo

Show logo in mobile menu panel, you can set a custom logo for this area, in the section General -> Logo -> Mobile logo

Show search form

Show search form at the bottom of the mobile menu panel


Enable footer menu

Enable footer menu will show a menu that you have created in wordpress menus editor at the bottom of the footer beside copyrights, you can edit menus via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus

Enable footer widgets area

Enable this area at the top of the footer, you can customize this area by adding any available widget, you can add widgets via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets

Enable footer about

Footer about is a section that show your logo or a custom logo with a text and your social links, you can customize it in the Footer about section

Enable footer trending tags

Show the popular tags in the footer may have a nice look and improve site seo, you can find more options for this area in the Footer tags section


Enable lazy image loading

Enable this options may improve page loading

Fake post views

Enable this to display fake post views...

Views Hot badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a hot badge

Views Popular badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a popular badge

Views Trending badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a trending badge

Theme color hot

Define custom color for theme hot badge

Theme color popular

Define custom color for theme popular badge

Theme color trending

Define custom color for theme trending badge

Theme color new

Define custom color for theme new badge

Theme color warning

Define custom color for theme warning badge

Theme color error

Define custom color for theme error badge

Theme color info

Define custom color for theme info badge

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for search icon

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for cart icon

Header account icon color

Define custom color for account icon

Page options

Every page can have his own skin, layout, logo, ... you can make every page unique with the theme



Select layout

Page can have a sidebar on left or right, or no sidebar

Title cover image

Enable this will make a nice layout of your page, by showing the title above the image that you select in a cover style

Title cover image

Select the image that want to make it as a cover

Title cover color

Add nice gradient effect to title cover section

Title cover text color

Choose the text color of the page title that display above the image cover if you enable title cover option

Enable share buttons before content

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show before page content

Enable share buttons after content

Share buttons suggest visitors to share your articles, enable it will help sharing your content, enable this if your want them to show after page content

Overlay header

Enable this option if your want the header to be above page content

Transparent header

Enable this option if your want the header to be transparent


Container layout

Container layout can be wide or boxed

Content width ( px )

Set max content width in px

Loading animation

Choose from 12 loading animations, it appears on ajax tabs loading or ajax pagination

Block heading style

Choose from over 14 block title styles

Enable breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs appears above page title in all posts, pages, archives, activate it may help in seo and also can optimize user experience in your site

Sticky sidebar

Activate sticky sidebar can improve user experience and improve sidebar ads visibilty

Sticky header

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Sticky header on mobile

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Enable cache

Activate cache for high site performance, this is a theme part cache option to cache all queries and css parse

Show author meta

Show or hide post authors

Show multiple categrories on posts preview

Show multiple categrories on posts preview


You can set the main logo for your site, there is also options to set different logos for sticky header, mobile header and google amp logo

Site logo

The main logo

Site logo maximum height

The main logo maximum height

Sticky header logo

The sticky header logo

Sticky header logo height

The sticky header logo maximum height

Mobile header logo

The mobile header logo

Mobile header logo maximum height

The mobile header logo maximum height

AMP logo

The mobile amp header logo

AMP logo maximum height

The mobile amp header logo maximum height


Header style

Choose from 10 header styles, beautifuly designed for all site purposes

Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Header contact infos

Activate header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Header search

Activate header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Header cart icon

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Header account link

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Header social links

Show your social links in the header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Header stacked icons

Show header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header

Sticky Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Sticky Header contact infos

Activate sticky header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Sticky Header search

Activate sticky header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Sticky Header cart icon

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Sticky Header account link

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Sticky social links

Show your social links in the sticky header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Sticky Header stacked icons

Show sticky header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header logo

Active this option to show the logo in the sticky header, if you choose no only menu and other elements that you have activated will show

Main menu

Enable main menu

You can disable main menu

Main menu search

Show search form or icon in the main menu bar

Main menu contact infos

Show your contact infos in the main menu bar, you can set your contact infos in the contact infos section

Main menu cart icon

Show woocommerce cart icon in the main menu bar

Main menu account link

Show account link in the main menu bar

Main social links

Show social icons in the main menu bar, you can set social profiles in social links section

Main menu stacked icons

Stacked icons is a nice way to show search, cart and account icons in the main menu bar

Main menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a main menu item

Top menu

Enable top menu

Show to menu

Show date

Show today's date, a nice thing if your site is news site

Show social icons

By default social links will show at the end of the top menu, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Top menu text

You can display custom text in the top menu bar, maybe useful for you

Top menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a top menu item

Show top menu on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu in mobile screens

Show date on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu date in mobile screens

Show social icons on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu social icons in mobile screens

Show custom text on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu text in mobile screens

Mobile header

Mobile Header search

Show search icon or from in mobile header

Mobile Header cart icon

Show cart icon in mobile header

Mobile Header account link

Show account link in mobile header

Mobile Header stacked icons

Show mobile header icons in another nice style

Mobile header center logo

Center logo in mobile header

Mobile menu panel

Show social icons

Show social icons in mobile menu panel, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Show Logo

Show logo in mobile menu panel, you can set a custom logo for this area, in the section General -> Logo -> Mobile logo

Show search form

Show search form at the bottom of the mobile menu panel


Enable footer menu

Enable footer menu will show a menu that you have created in wordpress menus editor at the bottom of the footer beside copyrights, you can edit menus via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus

Enable footer widgets area

Enable this area at the top of the footer, you can customize this area by adding any available widget, you can add widgets via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets

Enable footer about

Footer about is a section that show your logo or a custom logo with a text and your social links, you can customize it in the Footer about section

Enable footer trending tags

Show the popular tags in the footer may have a nice look and improve site seo, you can find more options for this area in the Footer tags section


Enable lazy image loading

Enable this options may improve page loading

Fake post views

Enable this to display fake post views...

Views Hot badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a hot badge

Views Popular badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a popular badge

Views Trending badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a trending badge

Theme color hot

Define custom color for theme hot badge

Theme color popular

Define custom color for theme popular badge

Theme color trending

Define custom color for theme trending badge

Theme color new

Define custom color for theme new badge

Theme color warning

Define custom color for theme warning badge

Theme color error

Define custom color for theme error badge

Theme color info

Define custom color for theme info badge

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for search icon

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for cart icon

Header account icon color

Define custom color for account icon

Category options

Each Category can have his own style, below you can find the list of things that you can personalize in your categories.


Select layout

Can be left sidebar, right sidebar or no sidebar

Featured Image

Selecting featured image for the category will change the layout, because it will display as a cover and the title of the category will show over it, nice!

Grid style


Container layout

Container layout can be wide or boxed

Content width ( px )

Set max content width in px

Loading animation

Choose from 12 loading animations, it appears on ajax tabs loading or ajax pagination

Block heading style

Choose from over 14 block title styles

Enable breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs appears above page title in all posts, pages, archives, activate it may help in seo and also can optimize user experience in your site

Sticky sidebar

Activate sticky sidebar can improve user experience and improve sidebar ads visibilty

Sticky header

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Sticky header on mobile

Activate sticky header to improve user experience

Enable cache

Activate cache for high site performance, this is a theme part cache option to cache all queries and css parse

Show author meta

Show or hide post authors

Show multiple categrories on posts preview

Show multiple categrories on posts preview


You can set the main logo for your site, there is also options to set different logos for sticky header, mobile header and google amp logo

Site logo

The main logo

Site logo maximum height

The main logo maximum height

Sticky header logo

The sticky header logo

Sticky header logo height

The sticky header logo maximum height

Mobile header logo

The mobile header logo

Mobile header logo maximum height

The mobile header logo maximum height

AMP logo

The mobile amp header logo

AMP logo maximum height

The mobile amp header logo maximum height


Header style

Choose from 10 header styles, beautifuly designed for all site purposes

Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Header contact infos

Activate header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Header search

Activate header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Header cart icon

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Header account link

Activate header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Header social links

Show your social links in the header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Header stacked icons

Show header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header

Sticky Header Spacing

Set the spacing before and after the site logo

Sticky Header contact infos

Activate sticky header contact infos, very useful if your site is an online shop, you can add your contact infos in the contact infos section

Sticky Header search

Activate sticky header search, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers find your products

Sticky Header cart icon

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers view what they actualy added to there cart easily

Sticky Header account link

Activate sticky header cart icon, very useful if your site is an online shop to help customers access there account to view there orders

Sticky social links

Show your social links in the sticky header to improve visibilty of your social profiles, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Sticky Header stacked icons

Show sticky header icons in another nice way to make them more attractive

Sticky header logo

Active this option to show the logo in the sticky header, if you choose no only menu and other elements that you have activated will show

Main menu

Enable main menu

You can disable main menu

Main menu search

Show search form or icon in the main menu bar

Main menu contact infos

Show your contact infos in the main menu bar, you can set your contact infos in the contact infos section

Main menu cart icon

Show woocommerce cart icon in the main menu bar

Main menu account link

Show account link in the main menu bar

Main social links

Show social icons in the main menu bar, you can set social profiles in social links section

Main menu stacked icons

Stacked icons is a nice way to show search, cart and account icons in the main menu bar

Main menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a main menu item

Top menu

Enable top menu

Show to menu

Show date

Show today's date, a nice thing if your site is news site

Show social icons

By default social links will show at the end of the top menu, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Top menu text

You can display custom text in the top menu bar, maybe useful for you

Top menu items hover effect

Choose from 4 ways to display items when the user pass the mouse over a top menu item

Show top menu on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu in mobile screens

Show date on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu date in mobile screens

Show social icons on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu social icons in mobile screens

Show custom text on mobile

Enable this option if you want to display top menu text in mobile screens

Mobile header

Mobile Header search

Show search icon or from in mobile header

Mobile Header cart icon

Show cart icon in mobile header

Mobile Header account link

Show account link in mobile header

Mobile Header stacked icons

Show mobile header icons in another nice style

Mobile header center logo

Center logo in mobile header

Mobile menu panel

Show social icons

Show social icons in mobile menu panel, you can set your social profiles in the social links section

Show Logo

Show logo in mobile menu panel, you can set a custom logo for this area, in the section General -> Logo -> Mobile logo

Show search form

Show search form at the bottom of the mobile menu panel


Enable footer menu

Enable footer menu will show a menu that you have created in wordpress menus editor at the bottom of the footer beside copyrights, you can edit menus via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus

Enable footer widgets area

Enable this area at the top of the footer, you can customize this area by adding any available widget, you can add widgets via Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets

Enable footer about

Footer about is a section that show your logo or a custom logo with a text and your social links, you can customize it in the Footer about section

Enable footer trending tags

Show the popular tags in the footer may have a nice look and improve site seo, you can find more options for this area in the Footer tags section


Enable lazy image loading

Enable this options may improve page loading

Fake post views

Enable this to display fake post views...

Views Hot badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a hot badge

Views Popular badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a popular badge

Views Trending badge min number

Set the minimum number of the views for a post to have a trending badge

Theme color hot

Define custom color for theme hot badge

Theme color popular

Define custom color for theme popular badge

Theme color trending

Define custom color for theme trending badge

Theme color new

Define custom color for theme new badge

Theme color warning

Define custom color for theme warning badge

Theme color error

Define custom color for theme error badge

Theme color info

Define custom color for theme info badge

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for search icon

Header cart icon color

Define custom color for cart icon

Header account icon color

Define custom color for account icon